Crown In Latin

2o2o - oil on canvas

60 x 75 cm

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There is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind
— Virginia Woolf

‘Crown in Latin’ (Corona) came together at the beginning of the Coronavirus lockdown.

The lockdown in Spain was severe. Everyone was locked into their houses or small apartments for six weeks, allowed only to venture outside for essential work, food supplies or to walk the dog.

To illustrate the absurdity and confusion of the time: dogs had more privileges than children.

Inspired by the simplicity of René Magritte paintings - fellow Belgian and personal hero - I combined a self-portrait with a cage.

When confronted with a lockdown like we did, questions around personal freedom, authoritarianism, freedom of speech (a theme that became even more complex and prominent later on) and personal integrity immediately surge.

At it’s core, this piece is about awareness around freedom.

What does it mean to be and think despite restrictions forced upon us?

Are we prepared to fight for it?

And will that part of us survive the rapidly accelerating Tech Revolution?